Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chocolate Heaven

Today is Easter Sunday, better known as Easter Egg Day. Last night the Easter Bunny brought lots and lots of Easter Eggs. So many in fact that I had to invite my friends around to help collect them all. We had 11 kids and 11 adults around for breakfast. Dad did a barbie with bacon, sausages and egges. We had a great time lookintg for the eggs and only took 30 seconds to find all the egss that the 'Bunny' took ages to hide. We also had a colouring in competition (Sean won) and played with lots of my toys. Mum and dad have had a very quiet afternoon although I think they may find it difficult putting me to bed tonight!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

It was Dad's 50th Birthday last week and we celebrated by going to Adelaide. We stayed with mum and dad's friends, Ronnie and Chris and my friends Buba J and Tayla who live on a farm/property in the Adelaide Hills. We had a fantastic time and did lots of brilliant things.

Everything was great although I wasn't too sure about the Alpacas when I was feeding them (Dad forgot the camera that day). I really enjoyed catching up with Greg and Sandy who surprised Dad by walking into the pub where we were having lunch on his birthday. They are on their way back to Darwin from Victoria after having six months off.

I also really enjoyed feeding the sheep at Tayla and Bubba J's place and coming down the hill on a billy cart. Dad broke he wheel on the cart which killed off any further fun on the hill. Everyone suggested it happened because Dad is too fat.

We also spent some time in a nice hotel in Adelaide and went down to Glenelg on the tram. I had lots of fun on the bungy jumpy thingy.

Back home again now and still have one day of scholl holidays left. Back to school on Monday