Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Tooth Faries coming tonight

Jake was the last of all his friends to get his teeth.  True to form, he's the last one in his class to loose his first milk tooth.  But tonight it's happened and a visit from the Tooth Fairy is finally going to come.

It looks like his other front tooth will be out before Christmas to so don't expect any cute photos this year.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wax on, Wax off!

I made mum and dad very proud today.  I had my Karate grading this morning and I am no longer a white belt.  I have progressed to Yellow Belt, thanks to my rolls and bridging. Next year, black belt!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trick or Treat

Two nights ago I went Trick or Treating with mum and dad.  I got lots of lollies and managed to eat most before I got home.  Dad was not impressed as it was his turn to put me to bed.  That worked well for him!  Apparently, my eyes were really red.