Last weekend, Master 3 year old came up to me in a straight face and stated that he needed to speak to me. If he was 15 years older I might have asked 'is it the Police or a girl?'
However, in an enquiring tone he asked 'Dad, why is everything here?' I have to admit that I have been less thrown by questions from politicians and their minders, Industrial Relation Commissioners and executives of multi-billion dollar projects than by this question from a 3 year old. This was a question without notice and he wanted an answer there and then! I also asked myself 'how come we've by-passed the questions about 'Why is jam sticky?', 'Why do eggs break when I drop them?' or 'Why does poo smell funny?'
So I asked him what he meant by that. His reply was simple. 'Houses and things.' So I tried to relate my answer to something that I thought would be relevant to him (Never underestimate the intelligence and logic of kids!). So I said that people ask builders like 'Bob the Builder' to build their houses for them. "Why' was the response. At this stage I started to sense that whatever I said would be questioned and so started scambling for an acceptable answer. 'Because we live in a place where it rains a lot and the houses help keep us dry' I said.
(and here's why you have to love the way children look at life) Junior philosopher looked slightly bewildered, but only for a nanosecond , until he replied with serious intent 'why don't they just wear raincoats?'
I had no feasible response for him though my tears of laughter. I've take that question on notice, but who am I to argue against the logic of a three year old?
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